To make the first steps communcating with Retail3000 API easy, we have developed example software. It will be extended over the next time based on feedback. The most important part is demonstrating the correct communication (or not) to Retail3000. The software has been written in Visual Studio 2013 in C#. Although we would really like, we can only support technical questions on software developed in C# and preferreably based on our example software.
The example software can be started even while Visual Studio 2013 is not available, the compiled EXE file is available as part of the solution. The download URL is Within this ZIP file, the sourcecode files are available so the solution can be adjusted if required.
Important: After download the example code and before executing, adjust the values in ..\bin\debug\ApiExamples.config. That is a textfile, holding the username, password, companynumber, storenumber and Retail3000 URL. Change those values to the credentials and Retail3000 URL received from us. Now run the ..\bin\debug\ApiExamles.exe and press the 'Login' button. It will display the login result afterwards.